miércoles, 15 de abril de 2015

Did you know..?

Nowadays obesity is found in nearly all of the northern countries in the world, especially in United States, where nearly 90 million people are obese.
Defining obese: is when your BMI (Body Mass Index) is higher than 30.you can calculate your BMI by dividing your weight (in kg) by your height squared (in meters).  This situation is getting out of control, and in USA the term of “disease” has started being used with obesity. Whether some countries have this kind of problems in Africa they are asking desperately for food.
The first symptoms of obesity appear when you start eating more than you burn, in other words, if you eat too much or you don’t do enough exercise. Also there is a genetically factor than is 30% hereditary. Sedentary lifestyle or social impediments (no time for doing exercise or just don’t want to) can increase dangerously your weight and can cause serious problems.
The principal mechanics of our appetite are only located in our central nervous system. This means that our rate of eat/appetite is completely apart from our stomach. Cause of that, psychological diseases such as Parkinson can affect our health in that way. Also hormonal activity can take us into food more than we want, getting higher rates of obesity in children from 12 to 18 years old.
Obesity is divided in 3 types
Obesity type 1: is the less dangerous and is normally the beginning. Can cause high blood pressure problems and fatigue.
Obesity type 2: can start to get dangerous. It causes partial damage in the reproduction system and bones start getting weaker.
Obesity type 3: serious difficulties in reproduction and some injuries in the digestive system, mostly in the liver
Obesity type 4: extreme one. These people rarely have offspring and have serious problems breathing and doing normal household activities. Surgery it often used to pull out people at that stage.
Also there are other classifications such as looking at where the grass located is or the number of cells that accumulate it. Most common ones are the nervous type, which it’s occasioned from stress or depression; and the chromosomal one, which comes with Down syndrome or similar alterations.
Getting to the point having obesity can be very dangerous if you don’t fight against it. Going running, sports or simply walking instead of taking the bus or your car is the best way to fight against this growing problem that nearly 30% of the European population has.

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